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Identification Of Major Accidents Hazards, Prevention & Recovery Control Measures For Central Gathering Facility

Authors: Karthikeyan S & Dr. Nihal Anwar Siddiqui.

Ref: Int J OHSFE-Allied Sci./Article.6/Vol. 1/Issue 1/Jan-Dec,2018.


This project is intended to present a practical approach to Identification of Major Accident Hazard, Prevention & Recovery Control Measures for Central gathering facility. To provide adequate control & recovery measure to eliminate the fixed fire protection system requirement for identified MHA area in order to minimize the Capital expenditures (CAPEX) and operating expenses (OPEX) for Central Gathering Facilities.

Wellhead area & Crude gathering involving flammable or combustible materials may hazardous environment which leads to a major accident. To prevent such accident, various prevention and control measure are implemented as part of inherent safety system design.

The detailed Hazard Risk Assessment for Central Gathering Facility has been performed and suitable prevention measure such as Passive Fire Protection System and Hazardous Area Zone Classification are provided. Fire & Gas Detection system & Firefighting Equipment shall be providing as recovery control measures.

Hence, Central Gathering Facilities ensured that a safe design is achieved which minimizes the damage caused to personnel, facilities, equipment, structures and the environment in case of an accidental event; and Reduced the likelihood of occurrence of an accidental event.

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