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Forest Fire and Biodiversity Loss in India: A Manager’s Perspective.

Authors: Pranab Pal

Ref: Int J OHSFE-Allied Sci./Vol. 5/Issue 1/July-Sep,2015/027-035.


The nearly all widespread threat in forests is forests fire. Forests fires are seeing that old as the forests themselves. They pretense a threat not merely to the forest wealth other than also to the whole management to fauna and flora gravely worrying the biodiversity and the ecology and environment of a region. There is shrewd corroboration to proposition thus as to fire regimes are altering in frequent parts of the world. People, somewhat than natural causes, are more and more in charge intended for stating fires and human actions are changing the probable of fires to motive grave impacts on the comfort of imperfect human communities and biological diversity. Forest fire is incredibly frequent in each and every one the ecosystems in addition to plays an imperative function in ecosystem dynamics, biodiversity, soil and microbes.  Estimates optional that fires unfavorably impacted seeing that much as 25 million hectares of forest worldwide. According to Forest Survey of India the authentic forest cover of India is 19.27% of the geographic area, consequent to 63.3 million ha. Only 38 million ha of forests are glowing stocked (crown density above 40%). This resource has to convene the insist of a population of 950 million people and in the region of 450 million cattle, seeing that such, country has to needs of 16% of the world’s population from 1% of the earth forest resources. The same forest has as well to provide intended for the 19% of the world cattle population. Tropical rain forests, in demanding, which were on one occasion contemplation to be opposed to to fires, are at the present experiencing large-scale fires due to unsustainable management practices. Due to political and economic crises, boreal forests of Russia are experiencing a number of the nastiest fires in decades. According to expert and recent estimates from satellite imagery bring to a close that 7.2 million hectares of forestland (distinct as state Forest Land and might comprise unfrosted areas) burned in the Asian part of Russia, of which 1 million hectares were coronet fires (Shvidenko and Goldammer, 2001).  In 1987, in North-eastern China 1.3 million hectares were shattered by means of a single fie (Di and ERide,1990). Forest fires are a most important source of dreadful conditions of India’s forests. At the same time as statistical data on top of fire loss are feeble, it is predictable that the proportion of forest areas prone to forest fires yearly ranges from 35% in a number of states to wrap 90% in supplementary. In relation to 90% of the forest fires in India are shaped through humans. The usual season in India is from the month of February to mid June. India witnessed the nearly everyone stern forest fires in the new time during the summer of 1995 in hills of UP and HP. The fire were very severe and attracted the attention of whole nation. An area of 677,700 ha was affected by means of fires. India’s forests are beneath a steady threat of severe biotic pressures caused by rapidly increasing human and cattle population, fuel wood and industrial demands, encroachments, forest fires and an assortment of additional factors. Shifting cultivation is one more put into practice (R.K.Luna,2007) accountable for loss of tree cover by means of wider ramifications. Even today an estimated 2.6 million populace frequently tribals (Karbi Anglong, Assam, Meghalaya etc) are involved in the region of 10 million ha of forest area beneath this put into practice. Forest fires are a significant source of emitted carbon, which exacerbates global warming as well as being an unique carbon sink.  Recurrent fires in the Himalayan region of Uttarakhand in the Indian Himalayas have been responsible for forest worsening . It is truthful that common fires on great scales motive air pollution, ruin eminence  of stream water, threaten biodiversity and mess up the aesthetics of an area, other than fires play an vital role in forest ecosystem dynamics. The present appraisal deals the collision of forest fire on species dynamics, biodiversity, soil nutrient and microbial status to direct a fire since a tool of forest running and manage of nutrient , insect and disease. Stipulation fire is managed shrewdly it be able to be alive used as the cheapest resources of forest running. For this reason dissimilar fire uniqueness are assessed together with their interrelationship by means of forest flora.

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